Saturday 16 January 2021

14 Days in Quarantine Day 2 - 7

 The excitement this morning was the Woolworths delivery.  I asked for it between 6.00am and 9.00am.  Got a text at 7.00 to say they were on the way.  Then another at 7.30 saying I was next.  Lovely man arrived with a trolley and the groceries and placed them on the doorstep.  Simple process hey.  

Then Jenny arrived with a frozen chickpea curry which I accepted with gratitude, I do love a chickpea curry and knowing I have a meal that I don't have to think about is handy.  Did the dance on the driveway again.  Fay came with a fresh chicken so I can cook some for Jac, I'll cook that this afternoon.  Realise that I do need to be organised.  Planned to make some beetroot relish but realise I don't have enough vinegar.  Do I ask someone to buy it for me or maybe put in another order with Woolworths?  I'll worry about it tomorrow, by then might realise there is something else I need.

Hung out today's washing, so much easier to get to the clothesline now and found 3 pumpkins growing on the vine and another 2 passionfruit.  It's those little things that can be exciting, knowing that something I planted from seed is actually producing, even if it is taking over the back garden. Mind you when I planted the pumpkin seed I though they were zucchinis, so I have no zucchinis and tow very prolific pumpkins.   The passionfruit I was despairing of as it had flowers but something kept eating the flowers, however obviously these three and one more that is still half flower, half fruit is making it.

Now cooking the beetroot - can put in fridge while I make the decision about the vinegar and doing the capsicum with red onions so I can use it in whatever I cook or on a slice of bread.  Have a lot of eggs that have been left by various visitors so thought I might make a cheesecake.  Weather getting a bit cooler now so putting the oven on should be fine, though it might be better to make that an evening project rather than using up time when I could be out in the garden.

Tea in the front yard again, wave to the neighbours across the road, they are friendly but don't actually initiate contact, if I say hello or start a conversation they are fine but don't initiate it themselves.  Same with the young couple next door, friendly enough if I start a conversation, but don't initiate anything.  Do like having young children next door, there is something quite comforting about hearing the sounds of children playing in the yard.   

Wrote a letter to the Weekly Times in response to another one on climate change, I don't have much luck with getting climate change letters published although I do when it's around coronavirus, almost 100% hit rate.

Had my Covid test, doesn't matter how many I have I still linch - they are most unpleasant.

Day 7

Result of test was negative.   So far so good, I feel like I am having an enforced rest and luckily the weather has been a bit cool so don't feel the need to breakout and go for a swim.  Our Dan is talking about making most of Sydney an orange zone and if they do that I presume I will be able to finish quarantine as that only requires isolating until you get a negative test result and I already have that.

Been making bread each day, experimenting a bit with different things - yesterday made rolls and put yogurt in the mix and they were lovely and light.  Also made a cheesecake but realise now i had the temperature too high so it got a little burt but still tastes good.  Will have ot order more cheese and eggs so I can try it again.

Lots of weeding and tidying up the garden which has been good and getting rid of rubbish.  Next challenge is back ot my clothes - I really have many more bits than I need and it just takes up space, as well as getting rid of all those little jars that have had candles in them, hold on to them because I think I might do something with them and, of course, I never do.

Jac has been picked up by Fay a couple of times now, bribe her to get into the car with treat.  However Fay said the second time she walked a short distance and then just stopped and would not walk any further.  Have found she will chase her squeaky ball so I throw it up the driveway and she enjoys that for a little while and then stops.  But it's running up hill so good exercise for her.  I'm definitely not getting my steps in - not good at repetition - like walking up and down the driveway, it's boring and I cannot motivate myself to do it for very long.

Did make the beetroot relish, got another Woolies delivery, at least they use compostable bags.

Have found listening to audible books has been good, I can have it going in the backyard while I am working in the garden or cooking.  Just finished Infinite Splendours and enjoyed it.  Now listening to a crime novel by Chris Hammer called Scrublands, it's quite engrossing, can't wait to hear what happens next.

Day 8 and final day

So today Vic changed the zone of most of Sydney to an orange zone and then I got the text from DHHS saying I no longer needed to quarantine because of the change of zones.  Feel a bit cheated!  Had psyched myself in to 14 days of not being able to do much at all and now I have no excuse.  Still at least I can walk Jac myself, and go for a swim, weather's getting warmer so I'll enjoy that.  

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